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My'leke Universal Module

The M.U.M is a piece of equipment hardware designed in ER 320 for utilizing specifically built modules, it was created for the My'leke and entered service in ER 333(Before YE).

What it is

The MUM is a piece of hardware that gives the typical My'leke the capability of controlling equipment on thier backs instead of having to manipulate controls or terminals. It also gives them the ability to use modules that are designed for the MUM, such as weapons and fire-fighting equipment, to better do their jobs.

By giving the My'leke this capability, it makes them better citizens, because they can contribute better to society - or - to the front lines of a battle.

Practically anything that a Shukaren can use; can be reverse engineered and rebuilt into a module for the My'leke to use. However, because of it's design, only a single module can fit on this unit.


The module functions as a device that merges one module to the base, essentially modules designed for this unit can operate with the base unit. This is a safety feature, making it so that weapon modules can't be used unless they are paired with a corresponding unrestricted MUM. On the other hand, non-combat oriented module can function with or without the MUM.

There is a sleeve that runs over the back of the module and over their tail, a tail connector on the end of the sleeve attaches to the My'leke tail. This gives the My'leke the ability to program and operate the unit without really needing to do much, since they are basically sending commands straight to the unit using their brain.

The MUM has several features to it, when not paired with a module; it can be used to transport equipment.


The MUM looks like a typical rectangular box that is three feet long and two feet wide. The unit has a very smooth almost glassy like texture, the underside of the module has foam padding so that it comfortably sits on the back of a My'leke and doesn't cause them issues. There are elastic belts on both sides, two each, that come together around the stomach that helps keep the module securely in place. The belts are strong enough to keep the module from moving from side to side while in motion, but have enough elasticity so that the My'leke isn't being suffocated.


The MUM has the following onboard systems.

Power Generator

The unit uses a small reactor as power, the crystal is inserted on the rear side of the unit.

Actual usage time and how long the generator lasts depends entirely on what modules are attached, when none are, the generator actually doesn't NEED to be active as the unit itself is nothing more than dead-weight on the back of the My'leke.

Module Base Connectors

Located on the top of the module are several snap connectors that connect this unit to the module, providing power from the base unit to the attached module and allowing the module to interface with the base units systems.

Computer System

The MUWM has a small quantum computer built into the unit; this computer keeps an eye on all of the units systems and attached modules. Some My'leke can pre-program the computer to perform certain operations, such as power cycling or running custom diagnostics.

Storage Compartments

There are storage compartments located on the sides of the unit, for storing small items such as extra power crystals for use in weaponry and the unit. Basically, anything small enough can be placed in the storage compartment for transport.

Tail Sleeve

A tail sleeve is a system that is slide over the My'leke tail and attaches to the end of it, this allows their bio-logical tail to not have to worry about whipping around to the back of the unit to operate it, instead they just need to wrap their prehensile tail around the connector port in the sleeve and will have full operational control over the unit.

The end of the tail sleeve also has a tiny camera, which can be used by the wearer for looking into small areas or for examining the modules they are presently using for damage that they themselves either can't see or notice.


The MUM can be customized by the My'leke with different colors schemes, depending on their taste. But this is only for civilians, military version of this unit are specific and can only altered depending on mission parameters. This includes adding camouflage to the unit and its attached module.

Paired Modules

A paired module is a module that requires the MUM base unit to function, without it it won't work.


Taurus Anti Tank Cannon

Maku'ran Anti-Infantry Turret

Law Enforcement Module

Battle Rider Module


Fire Fighting Module

Stand-alone modules

Modules that are compatible, but don't require, the MUM. Unless specified, Stand-alone modules are rarely combat oriented.

Medical Module