
A Min'alashe is a Neshaten whose profession deals with the concepts and areas surrounding the use of language and what makes up a language, along with research of languages and the conversion of one language to another. These particular individuals are very rare within the Kingdom because in order to be recognized as having the ability to pursue this career choice a person must not only demonstrate fluid use of Tinacen but also be able to recognize the form, meaning, and context of the language. However, Min'alashe aren't just fluent in Tinacen but in essentially every language known within the Kingdom, this can include those not commonly spoken of in public. Min'alashe serve as teachers, ambassadors, and other secondary occupations within the Kingdom.

Lesser Min'alashe's are referred to as Lin'alashes, and are individuals who do not possess the same experience or capabilities as a Miester Min'alashe but are progressing along that path.