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Lunebaren Reactors

In order to harness the power of a Lunebaren Crystals, the Kingdom of Neshaten had to design reactors to accomplish this task. The Lunebaren Reactors, found practically everywhere in Neshaten society, accomplishes this task.


The Lunabaren Reactors are self-contained devices that vary in size depending on where they are being utilized; the largest of these reactors are placed in power plants or on stations, while the smallest can be found in shuttles, cars, or even generators.

The reactors function by containing a Lunabren Crystal within, protected by anywhere from eight to fourteen 'shock' absorbers to help protect the crystal from sudden jerking or movement, so as to prevent damage. From here, emitters located inside the crystals chamber helps to collect the energy generated by the crystal itself.

As stated, the crystals actual output depends both on its internal structure and the size. For this reason, a small crystal should be paired with a small reactor, such as a generator or vehicle (car) power plant. On the other hand, a large crystal should be paired with something larger, such as a starships reactor.


In order to ensure that a Lunabren reactor is maintained properly, constant maintenance must be done depending on the size of the reactor. Small scale reactors can afford to be ignored for some time, but starship and star base or even those found in power plants do not have that luxury.

The internal shock absorbent arms should be replaced one every two seasons, or after a major event - such as a battle or earthquake. The actual protective shield itself should be replaced every time a ship comes in for routine maintenance due to the risk of cracks in the shield's internal layers, which helps keep the crystals electrical currents confined to just the containment area itself.

Never remove a crystal from the reactor while the reactor is online, this can potentially cause a premature detonation of the crystal which could either cause significant injuries to people in the surrounding areas or even potentially destroy the reactor itself. Protective wear should be worn when repairing a starship or station reactor, or a fighter’s power plant.

Powering down the reactor is simple, on a starship or station, a series of routine checks are done to accomplish this task. On fighters, cars, or vehicles, a simple press of a button located within that assets cab will shut down the reactor to allow safe removal of the crystal inside.

In the event of a reactor overload, ships and stations have the ability to 'jettison' the crystal inside out into space where it'll explode, depending on its distance the ship, the shockwave may damage the ship or any objects in the area.

OOC Information

This page was made by Kalshion on 2011/12/31 19:26.