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D92X2 40mm Nefre Shell

The D92X2 Nefre AP Shell is a shell designed for use by My’leke infantry snipers; it's a shell designed to used by My'leke Infantry Snipers for use against heavily armored targets such as vehicles and bunkers. The shell was created by the Yuina'cema Merchant Family in late ER 700(before YE).


Ammunition Type

Currently, only one type of this particular shell is designed.

Armor Piercing Solid Case

The general standard round used by My'leke snipers. The shell was designed while the My'leke long-range sniper cannon was being created. Several version of the shell were created, but all turned into failures due to it's material or due to improper construction techniques.

Improper construction techniques often resulted in the shell being destroyed upon firing, but the material also caused the issues as well until the creator found that Depleted Uranium served well in the creation process and also in the damage of the shell itself. Originally, only a solid state material was used, such as steel and titanium, neither of which seemed to deliver the type of damage that the Neshaten wanted. Switching to depleted uranium changed this.


The AP-SC has a shaped kinetic penetrator that is made out of depleted Uranium, a material the Neshaten found very little use for. The Neshaten rarely used Depleted Uranium due in part to having their own form of power, so the uranium they did mine was used mostly in research but it was later found a new usage as a weapon. Now all Depleted Uranium is now used almost entirely in weaponry such as the AP-SC


The shell is designed to cause damage on the moment of impact utilizing its depleted uranium penetrator, while the penetrator may continue to go through, causing further damage.

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