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Discovery FTL Probe

The Discovery is a probe created by the Kingdom of Neshaten in ER 750 (YE 06) to help explore deep space.


The Discovery is a probe equipped for deep-space exploration into systems that Neshaten vessels either haven't been to, or for monitoring star systems out of interest for military or civilian usage. The probe is equipped with some of the Neshaten's most advanced sensors.

It's equiped with a Crena Energy Engine for propulsion and medium sized reactor for power.

Key Features

Discovery is a long range probe designed for exploration and can be used to augment a sensor grid. It's got sensors for use in scanning planets to determine whether they are viable for living, and also sensors for scanning asteroids to determine internal make up.

When used as part of a sensor grid, the probe has its computer systems and sensor data combined with those of nearby probes, blanketing an area with a constantly active sensor field.

Mission Specialization

Current, discovery is designed for the following:

Optional Purpose

Normally, the probe operates by heading out to assigned locations, or, when set to explore it'll scan for areas of space that may have planets. When the probe runs across areas of interest such as star systems, it'll collect all data present in that system. If the probe's onboard AI discovers something of interest, it'll send the data back to its controller via encryption. Otherwise, it'll wait until it's done with its collection routine and then return to base.

The probe is programmed to spend four to five days exploring and collecting data, it'll usually spend one day just collecting and analyzing data from planets or objects of interest. However, its programming means that if it sights an unknown ship with no Neshaten IFF codes, then it'll initate a return to base protocal, taking a route that takes it 'away' from the Neshaten home system for a short period of time, before realigning itself for home.


Like all civilizations that want to explore deep-space, the Neshaten were no different. When they discovered FTL, they constructed a probe that could explore deep into space, discover new star systems, and then return with the data. The Discovery FTL Probe is such a probe, designed for such a purpose.



Class: Discovery Type: Long Range Probe Nomenclature: Ne-O1-1A Designer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing Production: Determined by missions perimeters Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten


Length: 27 meters Height: 10 meter (rear) Height: 2 Meters (Forward) Width: 7 meters


Speed (FTL): .9 ly/m Speed (Sublight): .120c

Discovery is 'not' designed to land on planets

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.


Discovery looks like a long smooth and sharply pointed instrument that is cut away slightly toward the forward area, which is where the majority of the probes sensor equipment is located, while the central area houses the main computer and the rear has the engines and FTL ring.

There are small sensor 'antennas' jutting out the sides of the probe. Its hull color helps hide it in space from prying eyes.

Its odd design and hull configuration was done to help reduce its profile as much as possible, although it's FTL Ring design is something unique only to the Discovery.


The Discovery functions as both a platform for exploring star systems but also as a stationary sensor platform. It has a silent running mode that allows it to remain hidden, either waiting for a signal to reactivate or just performs occasional system scans looking for anything of interest. It also has systems to dampen its heat signatures to help hide it from heat sensing scanners.



The Discovery has a medium reactor for power, the reactor is encased in several layers of armor plating in order to protect it in case the probe is attacked.


The Probe utilizes an FTL communication package in order to receive updates or return orders, the package can send data back, but only data that the onboard limited AI deems is needed. The FTL-CP is used extensively when the probe is part of a sensor grid.


The entire frame work of the probe, along with its hull, is comprised of titanium plating designed to make it as light as possible. The outerskin is comprised of Crynatorium that serves as its armor plating.


Discovery has two Crena Energy Engine's, one located on the rear, and another located toward the forward center area. The forward engine is designed as a backup in case the primary is damaged.


The probe is equipped with the Neshaten Scanner Array Suite, along with the following additional:

An optical imaging array for use in scanning the surface of planets for images and study. The OIA has multiple settings, allowing it to take crisp shots of the surface of the planet or for taking shots of an object in space.


In order to help keep data and operate the systems, a quantum computer coupled with a limited AI that helps determine what courses must be taken in certain situations.


The main computer has two High Security White Crystals that it uses for storing memory from scans. One crystal is located just behind the main computer while the other one is a hidden crystal that is integrated into the ships sensor systems, it acts as a component to the array and appears to be part of the main sensoring equipment but in reality is a hidden memory crystal.

Safety Mechanisms

The safety mechanisms in the Discovery are designed to help keep the probe safe from tampering and protect its data. There are multiple safe guards that anyone wanting to break into the probe must overcome.

Full Self Destruct

The probe is equiped with a self-destruct sequence. Which can either be triggered remotely, or can be triggered by the probes own limited AI. The self-destruct sequence sends the ships reactor into overload, causing to explode and take out the entire probe. The ships engines are also forced into reverse, frying the delicate components inside and rendering any form of salvage useless.

Memory Deletion

When the probe is set to self-destruct, or if the tampering protocols have been engaged, all onboard memory is fried at the source. The main computer is fried last using an implanted EMP charge that, when triggered, fries the memory banks and computer.

Limited Self-destruct

The LSD system is a system designed only to fry and destroy important components on the probe, unlike the FSD system, the LSD only destroys the reactor and engines along with the FTL ring, it doesn't destroy the memory banks but does destroy the main quantum computer.

Memory Security

Discovery has two crystals that serve as its source of storing memory; however, only one crystal is actually used while the other is merely a fake. The crystal nearest the main computer is a fake, hooked up to false data wires, while the crystal located in the sensor array systems is the real one.