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Erme'negilde Holographic System

Known originally as the Interactive Display Terminals, the E.H.S. is an updated version over the IDT in many ways. In EoE 001-v, the IDT was taken back to the basics, in hopes of improving upon its internal components and software. In EoE 002, this gave birth to the Erme'negilde Holographic System, named after its new programmer: Erme'negilde'neme La'man'ha.


Back in EE 001-v, the I.D.T. was taken back to the drawing board and re-engineered to fix a number of problems, both minor and critical, that military personnel had pointed out during the time that the system was in operation.

An Engineer by the name of Erme'negilde, a prodigy who is young in age but respected in his field of work, had taken the system back to its beginning because he felt that its original creator had 'rushed' in its creation, which is why the system was difficult to maintain and fix but also why after two hundred years the system was so out of date that hundreds of minor and major errors had cropped up, many of which contributed to the systems major instabilities.

Erme'negilde, and his team of Engineers, had found some unique ways to fix problems, such as improving upon the holographic emitters to reduce the amount of strain placed on a person's eye, it had been discovered that the eye-strain was caused by the type of spectrum that the system used to display images; while the spectrum remains the same, a number of filters were added that Engineers noticed reduced the strain on the eyes, allowing personnel to utilize the system nearly twice as long.

Because time was taken to ensure that compatibility was secured, the new system can be installed on older ships, although it requires the complete removal of the old IDT components and replaced with the new. This system is placed under the new name of: Erme'negilde Holographic System.

What it is

The E.H.S. is a system of holographic emitters that projects real time data and allows a person to interact with said data, similar to the Volumetrics Displays used by many of the known races, the exception to this is that some of the features of the E.H.S. give the system a much more broad usage than a simple display would.

This system is located everywhere in the Kingdom, from cars, to starships, to stations and even households. It's a common item, made even more common thanks to its relatively easy to build nature.


The features of the original IDT are numerous and depend greatly on what the system is being used on, however, essentially it has the following:

New Features

These are features unique to the EHS.

Expanded upon

This is a list of expanded upon features, along with where those features are used. Some features are naturally available in some areas, either due to the lack of space on said object or because of citizen or soldier preference.

The image above gives an example of what the IDS system appears like when used by aviators and vehicle drivers.


When the system is used on a starship, its uses can vary depending on what the system is attached to, the system is capable of being used by the ship's aviator, gunnery control officers, sensor operators, the ship's captain or XO.

Aviator Control Interface

ACI is similar to that of the IDT, except that the controls are much more improved upon and allow for quicker response times. The interface has also been streamlined, allowing for more customization by the user with the ability to 'slave' additional systems to the interface.

Gunnery Control Interface

There are no upgrades for the GCI.

Sensor Control Interface

SCI has had a few upgrades, including improved data storage and collection. Sensors now display information in a more easily recognizable format; this format is customizable, allowing soldiers to cue it to their understandings.

War-Room Control Interface

There are no upgrades to this system, the system works just like the IDT one does.


Similar to the starship, on a regular vehicle like a car or even a fighter, the IDT works in a similar fashion but with slightly different controls. There is no holographic 3D representation of the surroundings of the vehicle.


There has been no upgrades to this system, the system works just like the IDT one does.


There has been no upgrades to this system, the system works just like the IDT one does.


Command Warfare Center Interface

There has been no upgrades to this system, the system works just like the IDT one does.


The system was designed to be used by the Shukaren in order to give them somewhat of the same feel as that of the Myleke, whom are capable of directly connecting themselves to the starship thanks to their tail. However, the system does have connection ports that allow the My'leke to use it as well.


While much of the system has been improved, disadvantages still persist. Eye-strain is still an issue with the FHD, although not on the same level as the original IDT, eye-strain now occurs after twelve hours of continuous usage. However, additional problems have been discovered with the improvements done to the system; those unaccustomed to its usage may experience intense vertigo for the first few days of use, until the body becomes used to the system.


The EHS carries the same type of systems and components of the original IDT, with the exception of additional retrofits that improve upon the already present components.