Aero-space Detection Equipment

The A.D.E. is a specialized utility system found used throughout the Kingdom of Neshaten and can also be found on most starships, a version of it used originally for ground based systems was put into service in ER 657, but an autonomous based drone system was put into service in EE 002 as well becoming an integrated component of a new sensor system currently being worked on.


The A.D.E. is a safety based utility system put into service by the Kingdom that helps assist in the proper and safe tracking of aerospace craft such as airplanes and spaceships. The system operates by combining various other systems, including surface movement radar commonly located at starports, airports, and around certain large cities. However, it also combines mass sensors, surface interception radar, and the Friend or Foe transponders which helps identify the aerospace craft.

The A.D.E. compiles all of the data together, and projects it as a holographic image of all of the air-traffic around a city, this includes both public and private along with military based craft as well. The system is able to send out early warnings in the event craft might cross each others flight paths and warn them of the danger, because of this though, all cities are required to have an A.D.E. The system, while useful during clear skies, is instrumental during bad weather.

However, the equipment serves another use as an early warning system to detect incoming unknown craft, as if a craft is not registered with the system then it'll show up as an unknown.

On starships and stations, the ADE has become part of the on-board sensor systems, which increases the probability of detecting approaching craft - whether friendly or otherwise.

OOC Information

This page was created by kalshion on 2014/10/02 14:08.