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A drug created by Vi'cana Pharmaceuticals.

The first drug created by them to be a major success the Yu'mir conception drug was created to aid female and male Laibe, Daur, and My'leke to reproduce with an increased conception rate, increased fertility, and increased potency.


There are two separate pill types that exist at the moment, one for Female Neshaten and one for Male Neshaten. These pills are separate due to the chemicals required by each gender to effect their specific reproductive organs. The female pill has an increase in the chemical doxiphorotin that effects the process in which a sperm is accepted by the females fertilized egg, and the male pill has an increase in the chemical toronomician which increases the potency of the males testicular production of sperm, giving him healthier and stronger sperm for an increased chance of acceptance by a females fertilized egg.

The drug is available in a low dosage to help non-doctoral treatment of Erectile Disfunction, or illegally an aphrodisiac. However, there is a medicinal version of this drug which, with the approval of a doctor who has watched over an impotent or barren Neshaten, can be given. The medicinal version has a much higher dosage and is prescribed to handle severe cases of barren or impotent Neshaten who can with no other treatment reproduce. The medicinal version has an increased price, as well as an increased chance of side effects due to the increased dosage so it is considered by a lot of doctors to be a last ditch effort to help a couple reproduce a child.

Was developed in EE000 by the current Head of Recreational Development; Uri'itya Ika'esa.

Important: Has not been tested on alien species, so far only confirmed to work on Laibe, Daur, and My'leke.

Price1): 400 Rn/box

Price2): 800 Rn/box

Side Effects

Normal Side-effects

In certain test-subjects the drug has been shown to cause several separate side-effects that have been rendered dangerous enough to warn people about:

It is to be noted that while there are a few side-effects, the drug is relatively safe to those who use it and that even though they are listed some of these have only ever really happened to one Neshaten.

Conditional Side-Effects

While these side effects have been shown to happen, they only happen to those in the Neshaten Population with an extremely rare genetic disorder known as Foximitizat, or 'Foxi' for short. Meaning there is a .002% chance that you'll be inflicted with these rare side effects.

OOC Notes

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Over The Counter