
A drug created by Vi'cana Pharmaceuticals.

This particular drug is an injection based drug that toughens the outer layer of your skin into a suit of armor effectively. The drug is a specialized Nano-Technology that can be injected into the body, the nano-machines will then extend through the body, once they are in the body they begin applying a chemical known as Doxihydratorica. When applied to a Neshaten's Underlying skin the skin hardens temporarily to an iron like composition, but keeps the flexibility of the skin itself. In otherwords, the skin is more akin to a titanium weave then that of pure iron, strong, durable, yet flexible and able to be moved.

For the most part, this iron skin will stop most penetration, but not high impact force. it should be noted that while the inside is tougher, its not as tough as the outside. There for fighting things with high impact weaponry such as Power Armors, is considered generally unadvised as the bullets impact can break bones, or cause welts and the like. Further more the armor is practically useless against energy based weaponry, and things that are not solid like Flame Throwers.

Despite the nanomachines being inside the body, they will run out of power eventually. The longest time that the Iron Skin drug has lasted was three hours. Furthermore, if the drug is used once, it can not be used for another 24 hours without risking over-dosage.

Price: 1,250 Rn/Syringe

OOC Notes

Semjax created this article on 2015/09/10 07:43.