Neshaten Observation Lounge

Found on many Neshaten starships and stations, the observation lounge is an area that crews can go to peer out into the vastness of space or over an ever-expanding landmass. The lounge has several chairs and a few sofas for crew to sit on along with tables and perhaps a vending machine or two for drinks and food.

There is thick carpetting and lavishly covered walls that usually depict some part of Neshaten history. Lighting can be found in the ceilings. The door to the room is toward the rooms northern side.

Some lounges may even have equipment that allows a person to peer deeper into space, such as magnifying telescopes. Some might have only a few windows, while others might be fully glass; the lounge's windows are triple pan, but also have two force field barriers, inside and one outside, but also have blast shutters that can be closed in the event of an emergency.

The lounge can be used for more than just sightseeing, but can also be used to host parties or other special events.