Table of Contents

Neshaten Star Fighter Squadron

Since practically from the beginning the Neshaten have relied almost extensively on star fighter support to protect their home world; the following is a list of details on what each squad would be comprised of. Their squadrons use smaller numbers of fighters for logistical purposes but also in order to help build commaderie between the pilots and crews, however, larger squadrons can exist.

Squadron Composition

List of vehicles:

Flight Doctrine

Neshaten Star Fighters squadrons are prideful to the point that running away is rarely an option, especially if the matter involves their ship or home base. Fighter squadrons are typically comprised of at least one or two scouts with the rest being fighters but sometimes they might change this up to where there might be a bomber or two.

Pilots are always expected to perform above and beyond, never retreating from the enemy unless ordered, and never pulling stunts that could put their fellow pilots in harm’s way, but also, to make the ultimate sacrifice if the time comes.


The following is a list of actual equipment used by each individual squadron.


Each squadron has the following personnel assigned to it: