Table of Contents

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NMX Bridge Compartment

Typically located toward the top of the ship, these compartments are the nerve center for all operations aboard NMX ships. They vary in size, but a common theme is a central 'nest' for the commanding Mishhuvurthyar where they can hover and oversee the operations of the three stations – Sensors, Control, and Weapons.

Bridge Positions

Command Nest

The command nest is identifiable by the ankle-high metal ring big enough to fit a Mishhuvurthyar comfortably. From the ceiling a volumetric projector is able to create monitors at the whim of the commanding Mishhu. When there is a violent decompression in the bridge, the metal ring will shoot up to the ceiling to preserve the Mishhuvurthyar inside. During combat, this is where a Mishhu will stay.


The sensors station has up to four volumetric monitors detailing sensor readouts, and are provided to up to three seats.


Control can have up to six seats depending on the size of the ship, and this is where the internal systems of a ship can be managed remotely, navigational commands can be input, communications can be sent and recieved, and where Battlepods are sent their commands; each seat has one volumetric monitor and attached wireless headset.


Weapons can have up to three seats and up to two monitors each, (one giving a status report for the weapons, the other showing targeting information.)

What It Looks Like

While bridge compartments may vary in size, their aesthetics follow similar themes. The walls are painted a brownish red, the seats are spartan and plain with little though given to comfort, and operators are typically pressed together even while sitting. They are usually not well lit, the most light coming from the volumetric monitors that glow in an almost ghost-like fashion. The operations stations are also usually a step lower than the commanding Mishhuvurthyar's 'nest'. In combat, if there is a sudden and drastic drop in pressure in the bridge, the only safety unit available is the metal 'nest' where the Mishhu resides. The circular walls, once at ankle-height quickly shoot up, saving the Mishhuvurthyar and leaving all others to die. This feature can also be activated via mental command by the Mishhu.

While on the bridge, non-mishhuvurthyar must address mishhuvurthyar with “-Sama” or “Lord” regardless of their rank/title/status outside of the bridge.