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Located in the Shhott'hylln System, Sehkratt, or the “Second Soil” in Llranni, is a tropical planet dominated by a geologically active continent that is in the process of separating from a lesser tectonic plate. It has a massive ocean covering 60% of the planet's surface and a much smaller inland sea between the separating continents, both are dotted by volcanic islands and archipelagos. The population is widely spread across the land masses and boasts an explosive birthrate that has turned both continents into organic megalopolises. Several truely massive tree-like constructs extend into geosynchronous orbit and serve as orbital elevators, shipyards, and growing population centers for the Llranni Protectorate.


Capital Region, Southern Glade

The Southern Glade is the smaller of the two continents, and hosts the only land-based orbital elevator on Sehkratt.

The Protectors' Estates

Located on the smaller continent. The Estates are the first and largest tethered station houses an enormous root structure that have budded secondary growths already the size of small skyscrapers. This city-sized estate houses the majority of the Protectorate's military forces and a great many fabrication complexes both on the ground and in orbit. The orbital elevator of the Estates can handle enough traffic to supply all of the Protector Fleet's material needs day by day.

Important Wards

Academy Region, Northern Glade

The Northern Glade is the greater continent of Sehkratt and is composed mostly of civilian combines focused around the Naval College which effectively controls this area of land and the Aerospace Academies that operate under the College's leadership.

Protectorate Naval College

One of the most prestigious vocations is to be selected for service in the Protector Fleet. This sprawling area of lush and low-growing forest is an agrarian place of study.

Important Wards

Far Sea Region, Trojan Colonies

Site of a second orbital elevator complex, the Troy, grown from the ocean floor, the Far Sea is home to a more free-blooded group of sea-stedder colonies home to a much higher proportion of Narrya. Troy is also the focus of the most innovative medical/bioengineering theorists, boasting the birthplace of the mass effect coil. Seafloor colonies are steadily growing in size as the population expands and some colonists emmigrate to Troy rather than spend several years in space for the more distant and only recently founded colonies where subversive behavior is rumored to abound, sometimes even in public. Sea floor extraction is also a booming line of work, Steward-Class conveyances making daily landings in the Trojan waters to pick up fresh loads of minerals and drop off needed supplies. 'Earthmover' ICHS Heavy Lift Vehicles also make frequent water landings, carrying supplies, personnel, and equipment for Troy and its local colonies and sea-steads.