Armored Mesh

Also known as an External Frame, an Armored Mesh provides the defenses of a Maverick Frame or Movable Frame based unit.

Utilizing the same technology which provides the Movable Frame with its durable skeletal structure, the Armored Mesh utilizes a complex nanotube and crystalline weave which comprises the outer protective hull of the power armor, fighter or other dynamic-body application. Reverse engineered technology from the Sourcian Denial Wave system allows the mesh to make millions of micro-adjustments to all the various fundamental fields it produces through a self-adjusting feedback algorithm which is under constant modification by onboard AI. This will provide the best protection both in the structure of the mesh itself, the behavior of the mesh and the modification of quantum harmonic oscillators to generate necessary defenses.

The end result is a light-weight and durable and flexible outer-skin without the need for the excess bulk of a shield generator. This flexible outer skin remains operational provided the mesh's ample power demands are met.

The unit is in effect a Full Spectrum Barrier System generator.