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Long Term Medical Implants

Designed and produced by the Lorath Matriarchy and United Manufacturing Cooperative in YE 35, the 'Long Term Medical Implant', alternatively known as 'Drug Implant', 'Long Term Treatment Implant', and 'Automated Dosage Implant', has been designed and produced for the purpose of long-term administration of medicinal compounds into a patient via implanted device.

General Information

Purpose of the Device

Proposed as a method of providing long-term administration of various drugs and medicinal compounds, the medical treatment implant was proposed as a means of providing patients with regular uninterrupted doses of various drugs without the need for repeated visits to a medical practitioner for routine administration of treatment, as well as avoiding the possibility of missed doses due to patient error or interrupted availability of a given drug.

Treatments Available

Treatments available via Long Term Medical Treatment Implant cover a wide range, including but not necessarily limited to the following.

Availability & Marketing

Due to research into the implant being mainly conducted upon Lorath and Helashio subjects, long term implant has been mainly geared toward the market of the Lorath Matriarchy, and is intended for limited export, available on a per-patient basis due to the configuration requirements of the implant prior to application. Despite such technical hurdles, there has been a considerable marketing push of the Long Term Medical Treatment Implant in ad space available in magazines, video media broadcasts, and audio media broadcasts, including publications intended for outside of the Matriarchy. Mainly, the implant is being marketed as a means of delivering elective treatments and cosmetic procedures.

Notably however, the medical manufacturing firm within the Lorath Matriarchy which has designed the implant, has designed a distinctive difference in the export model of the implant, which only permits the implant to be reconfigured after registering reconfigurations with an authorization key server. While noted as a hindrance to exported units, which could possibly impact the marketability of the product, the feature has been included as a safeguard to prevent abuse of the product.


Due to the mass-production implant being geared for Helashio and Lorath patients, implants intended for patients of either species have been priced at 250 KS each. Due to the requirement of the implant being configured for other species, exported implants are priced at 1000 KS each. Prices do not include configuration procedures conducted by the individual medical practitioner which will place the implant, nor the procedure in itself.

Technical Information

Design and Function

At the core of the Long Term Medical Implant are four primary components; controller hardware and software, chemical synthesis and recombination components, power supply, and implant housing components.

Power Supply

As a sign of the longevity of Lorath Matriarchy technology, the medical implant is powered using a variation of Bacterial Charge Pack technology. This variation has produced a power supply which is implant-safe, with supply input being in the form of the glucose and calorie intake of the patient, and waste output being in the form of a minor increase from the renal output of the patient due to non-harmful waste product being cycled back into the vascular system of the patient.

Dosage Controller Hardware & Software

Housed within the implant housing, the controller is designed to be self-managing, or, able to be remotely triggered. Controller suites are capable of monitoring patient brainwaves, nerve impulses, autonomic functions, muscle functions, and a host of other telemetry gathered by an on-board sensor, or, through an external sensor source. Controller suites are also designed to interact with quantum-encrypted RF signals intended for remote control of the medical implant while retaining patient privacy and safety. Through these methods, the control suite governs the function of the implant in regard to dosage administration and scheduling, chemical synthesis scheduling, and patient monitoring.

Chemical Synthesis Controller and Recombination Components

Incorporated within the implant housing, the chemical synthesis controller is a dedicated computer suite which is used to provide the computational power to provide instruction to the recombination component of the implant, this controller is designed to instruct the recombination component to process material drawn into the recombination component into a wide range of chemical compounds.

Once instructions are received by the recombination component, materials drawn in via connection to a readily available source of material within the patient (e.g; vascular system, digestive tract), the recombination component can selectively filter and alter the input material, while infusing the output with the intended chemical product. Recombination processes are handled using a femtoscopic machine suspension, which directly alters the atomic and molecular structure of input material, to produce a desired output.

As an additional note, the recombination component of the implant is by default incorporated into the implant housing. However, alternative implant configurations can increase the function of the recombination component by providing a larger femtomachine processing area and increased surface area for chemical transfer. Examples of such alternative configurations include a specialized organ implant which can be in a size comparable to a kidney or spleen, or even a cosmetic implant such as a breast augmentation implant.

Implant Housing

In a default configuration, the standard implant components are housed within a semi-flexible forty millimeter synthetic compound, this synthetic compound is designed for the purpose of allowing liquid compounds to easily pass through the permeable membrane of the housing, to interact with the components of the implant, before being passed out of the implant with the intended compound payload. To allow for a range of application, the implant housing is designed to have a variable permeability, allowing for increased material input and output. Implants with a larger surface area configuration, such as those used as a cosmetic augmentation, or as a dedicated synthetic organ implant, are fully capable of processing an input such as arterial blood flow, or matter passing through the digestive tract with minimal flow obstruction, preventing complication, in synthetic organ configuration, the permeability of the housing can be configured to even allow for semi-solid materials to effectively pass through the implant housing to interact with the femotomachine material for alteration.


As a default configuration, the implant is designed to be able to be implanted by medical personnel with minimal difficulty. Default configuration implants are able to be implanted ideally within the abdominal cavity, however, they are small enough to be placed within the limbs of most patients. Prior to implantation, the implant is configured to interact with a given portion of the patient's anatomy, such as their vascular system, pulmonary system, or digestive system, where the implant would then draw material from, prior to introducing material back into the patient after alteration into an intended medicinal compound. Through the use of on-board femtomachines, the implant is able to form connective tissues and linkages to existing tissue within the patient to ease implant incorporation, and ability to perform intake-output operations.

When implanted as a cosmetic implant, the increased housing area can be configured to have a specific mass and density to attain ideal pliability, texture, weight, and other values which would be appropriate to the purpose of the implant, while also using the increased surface area for improved implant function. Alternatively, when the implant is placed as a biological function augmentation, the implant can be incorporated into existing organs, such as the stomach, or the intestines, or, can be introduced as an additional organ within the patient.

Cybernetic Augmentation Interest

While the medical implant was originally intended as a means of providing medicinal drugs, infusions of various life-supporting compounds, and even as a means of cosmetic augmentation, the medical implant has also grabbed the attention of cybernetics enthusiasts due to the overall capabilities of the implant. Improved metabolic rate, nutrient balancing, immune response augmentation, due to the range of these functions, cybernetic augmentation enthusiasts have been a noted market, and due to the ease of implantation of the medical implant, elective implantation is expected to catch on even beyond the target market which the implant has been marketed toward.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/04/01 17:27 by DocTomoe.