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Full Spectrum Barrier System

The Full Spectrum Barrier System (FSBS) defense technology which takes various sub-defense technologies and intelligently uses them together, based on the type of incoming fire detected to protect an armor, ship or other high-military-technology unit from attack.

In effect, FSBS is a form of concatenation for a number of shielding technologies present in Lorath military equipment. By properly coordinating several levels of shielding designed to stop specific forms of attack, the system's overall endurance rises exponentially, although the limitations of each technology are not changed. If a unit with FSBS has it's shielding completely drained but it remains operational, the shielding can very quickly restore itself and become effective again rather than require a complete restart of the system.

The system was first deployed as a part of Project Winter's AMX-101 WINTER unit. As trials progressed, the onboard AI learned through trial error when to use which type of shielding rather than project all types at all times at maximum strength. The end result is a more efficient defense system which remains effective even under surprise attack.

In order for the barrier to be properly calibrated when installed and during maintenance and to restore operations after barrier failure in combat, an AI system must be present.


Defense Rating: DR-Armor-15 / DR 4

Magnetic Shielding

Through the use of a series of high power magnetic field generators, the unit is able to rapidly create a magnetic bubble around itself which would be able to protect it from incoming attacks which are comprised of matter (Projectiles, plasma streams, particle beams). The magnetic shield unfortunately does not serve as strong enough protection to deflect subspace encased positron beams and raw-energy attacks. Fortunately, the magnetic shield systems of the unit are capable of producing a tightly confined magnetic field which can be sustained as a bubble, or as a directed 'wall'.

Subspace/hyperspace Shielding

:!: NOT APPROVED!! NOT APPROVED!! Through the use of subspace field bubble manipulation, the unit is able to distort or disrupt incoming projectiles which have a subspace or hyperspace field charge. This resulting shield prevents hyper folded torpedoes from progressing beyond the shield, and it prevents subspace encased positron weapons from breaching the field's influence without losing the subspace charge which grants a majority of the weapon's penetrating power.

Plasma Shielding

By utilizing vented plasma and a magnetic field projection, the unit is capable of creating a directed shield of plasma which can be used to deflect or block incoming projectiles, energy beams, and particle beams.

Gravitational Shielding

Through the use of the unit's gravity manipulation devices, the unit can produce a field of manipulated gravity which can redirect projectiles and particle beams. Along with this protection, the gravitational shield can manipulate nearby objects, and prevent Scalar pulses from damaging the unit.