Lorath Matriarchy “Star Seeker”
The Ltoh Lyykyh Also known as “Star Seeker” to those outside of the Lorath species has been designed as a long range exploration craft made for scouting the area nearby the Lorath home world.
The “Star Seeker” was created from the ashes of the failed 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004 Trans-Atmosphere Exploration Craft. When the 0005 accomplished space flight and successful use of its near FTL engines it was dubbed with its title “Star Seeker”. The reason for the creation of the TAEC-0005 vessel was to explore outside of the sky obstructing haze that blankets the Lorath home world and to seek out new conquests and discoveries that may exist in the reaches of space.
Organizations Using This Vessel: Lorath Space Exploration Division – Psionics House. Type: Medium range scout vessel. Class: Ltoh Lyykyh (Star Seeker) TAEC-0005 Designer: Lorath Psychic House Aerospace Division in cooperation with Warrior House test teams.
Manufacturer: Lorath Shipyards – Psionics House Space Exploration Division. Production: Highly limited production based upon need for off world information and exploration. Crew: 4 Maximum Capacity: Maximum of 8 humanoids. Appearance: When viewed from a profile view it appears rather thin considering its length. The external color is mainly shades of grey, excluding the underbelly designed for atmospheric re-entry, thus is a deep black.
Length: 36 meters. Width: 30 meters. Height: 4 meters. Decks: 3 Mass: 52000 lbs (23,586 KG) with bare payload.
Speed (STL): .375c Speed (FTL): 1c Speed (Aerial): Mach 3.1 (2,359 mph) (3,797 Kph) (Sustained flight) Speed (Atmosphere Escape): 30,000mph (48,280 kph)
Range (Distance): 5 Light Years Range (Support): One Month active crew, Six years in stasis. Lifespan: Untested. Refit Cycle: Upon the time of new technology being available and when vessel is landed.
Bridge: The bridge layout is that of a simple cockpit designed for the presence of two pilots in most cases. When required the cockpit allows for two more pilots if needed.
Engineering: Engineering is located in the aft section of the TAEC-0005; the area is a 10ftx10ft square with a height of ten feet. Located in the far back of engineering is the fusion generator access panel allowing for maintenance upon the fusion generator core. Control panels and display monitors are located on the side walls of the engineering section.
Quarters and living area: the crew quarters and living area is located in the middle section of the TAEC-0005 between the engineering and cockpit sections. Located in the living quarters are four bunk style beds that can be converted to basic stasis pods if required, a refrigeration unit, a cooking heating coil, a microwave like device, and a private computer access allowing for communications and entertainment.
Cargo Section: There are two cargo storage areas located on the TAEC-0005, one is located on the upper section of the vessel, and the second is located in the belly of the vessel. Upper section is reserved for crew belongings and devices needed in flight. The storage located in the belly of the vessel is intended for optional systems or devices needed for special operations.
Primary Propulsion: The primary method of propulsion for the TAEC-0005 is a fusion reaction power plant intended for sub light speed travel.
Secondary Propulsion: The secondary method of propulsion for the TAEC-0005 is a combined system of Scram jets and basic jet engine propulsion intended for in atmosphere and trans-atmosphere operations.
Hull: The TAEC-0005 is mostly composed of a hard carbon material that is nearly identical to diamond. On the belly of the TAEC-0005 is a dense ceramic type outer coating designed for atmospheric entry.
Airlock System: Two airlock systems have been installed upon the TAEC-0005, one hatch style airlock located on the upper hull of the vessel that includes an extendable docking tunnel. The second airlock is located on the port side of the vessel and is constructed as a simple hatch meant for boarding and disembarking on land.
Escape Pods: The living area has been designed to double as an emergency escape pod that will only allow for three days of normal life support or five years of stasis. The launching of the escape pod is done by uncoupling twelve sets of docking clamps located adjacent to the cockpit, engineering, and cargo sections.
Environmental Systems: the TAEC-0005 is equipped with temperature control, air pressure regulator, air recycling, water recycling, organic matter recomposition and recovery, stasis condition activation device (Ship wide freezer).
Air Recycling System: the air recycling system is reliant upon a series of genetically engineered bacteria that are placed in air filtration pods located in the lower cargo section, living section, cockpit section, and engineering section.
Interchangeable Systems: The TAEC-0005 has been designed around the principle of any and all systems on the vessel being able to be changed out and exchanged with another system within a short amount of time or even entirely new systems to be installed. Systems such as the computers, engineering devices, drive systems, navigational devices, crew living area, cargo area, and even hull sections.
Ice Cream Dispenser: Chocolate, Vanilla, strawberry. Located in the living quarters built into the refrigeration device.
Computer System: Data storage of the TAEC-0005 is accomplished by use of a brain like “neuro-gel” pack system. These devices are designed to work like a living creature’s protein based memory and thought process. The gel packs are used to store a bulk of the vessel’s data and conduct the operation processes of most of the ship’s functions. Interaction with the computer is done by telepathic communication with the ship’s systems through the Neural Interface System, voice commands, or tactile controls when time is not an issue. Back up devices are advanced magnetic hard drive systems.
Sensors: Sensor systems on the TAEC include infrared scanning, UV scanning, microwave radar, thermal imaging, laser sweep scanning, electro magnetic scanning, psionic wave detection, and light pulse based sonar.
None at this current time.
This article was created by DocTomoe. It was approved by Wes on October 12, 2005: Approval Thread