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AMX-102 Limb Layout

Art will be included soon!

Primary Arms

Two large primary arms, these arms house the Winter's built in weapon systems, and are utilized for the mounting and grasping of weapon systems and for close range combat. The hands of the primary arms are easily large enough to encompass the head of a standard powered-armor.

Secondary Arms

Folded into the chest are a pair of human-scale arms which can be used to grasp onto objects and interact with objects on a precise level. The 102 update features a wrist-mounted augmentation in both arms, containing various high-precision tools such as drills, cutting devices, various data interface cables (mounted within telescopic cable, of course) and extremely sensitive sensors. The secondary arms are usually not unfurled during combat.

Upper Leg Fins

Mounted upon the hips of the internal structure upon a pair of telescopic rails are a set of fins, which can be folded away against the leg or extended as an aerodynamic srface. The upper-leg fins contain the same engine systems as the lower legs and include a mounting point for a large weapon and a telescopic cable housing for a small weapon turret, such as a SFARC.


Seriously modified from the 101 for better ground ability, the legs of the 101 are slightly bulkier, longer and more able upon the ground and are also collapsable, allowing the 102 to enter and exit buildings. Each leg contains a collapsable high-power MPD plasmic engine and a highly specialized vent upon the rear of the calves for thrust, as well as the center of the feet. Cavities within the hips below the upper-leg fins allows room for 100 lb of cargo within around the size of a rucksack, ideal for survival rations, small cargo or weapons. The rear includes a specialized encompassing structol system: Place a rifle or human-sized fire-arm into the hand provided: The hand takes grip and the structol casing closes around the weapon, securing it for emergency use. These facilities are ideal for tactical systems such as mines or special loadouts.


The feet of the winter are capable of opening and closing depending on how the Winter is being fielded. When walking terrestrially or maneuvering at low speeds the Winter's feet are in an opened state which strongly resembles an oversize thick soled boot. Placed in the middle of the sole and heel of the foot is a plasma vent port which releases a rather poorly confined stream while open.

When deployed at high speeds and utilizing thrusters for space maneuvering, the heel and sole slide together to create a superior thrust vectoring nozzle for the plasma venting system located in the feet.

A recent modification means the feet are somewhat larger during planetary use, closer to those of contemporary Nepleslian armor, due to the need for them to be able to climb unassisted and handle greater stresses.

Clamshell thrusters

Attached to the upper back of the Winter are a pair of thrusters which are placed on a pivoting mount which provide the Winter with plasma based thrust. These thrusters are referred to as 'clamshell' thrusters due to the shape of their design and the opening and closing motion used for vectoring and focusing thrust delivered by the venting system.


Due to the relatively narrow space of the Winter's torso, the torso compartment can elongate and expand depending on how much space is needed for the pilot and additional equipment. Fortunately due to the magnetic field support given to the Winter's frame, the alteration of structure has little impact on the durability of the Winter's structure.