Table of Contents

The Aurora Mechanism

The Aurora-Mechanism is a Starship-level generator of Occhestran design produced in extremely small numbers. It uses an alternative method to tap aether which can be harder to manage but ultimately provides a better output for its size while leaving a sporadic footprint on aetheric sensors, ideal for combat conditions. Other components contribute gravitational manipulation, the production of useful bosons and the capacity to create small amounts of antimatter over time - specifically for thrusters, rather than weapons.

Unfortunately the technology is difficult to miniaturize thus the device is too large to be fitted to a classic powered-armor. In higher echelons of performance, the device also releases harmful levels of scalar radiation making it dangerous to use in populated areas. The bosons are also a lasting pollutant, destroying a breathable biosphere over time.


In Before-Yamatai 22, Leal “Rebirth” Tur'lista began work on a controversial device which would generate energy by combusting water - a notion which arose after the consumption of mind altering drugs after failing university. The given reason for building it was that they needed something to do and with their qualifications, it would be good if they produced something marketable - If it sold, they would never need to work again.

The device was difficult to stabilize and later, Leal stopped speaking. Autistic symptoms were linked to his excessive exposure to the device and consumption of the drugs. The project was brought by the Occhestrans, the group put onto a payroll. Problems were solved by Leal despite his communicative difficulties. Mid-way into the project, Vlad quit though he was 'persuaded' into continuing during the Occhestran breakup.

The call was made to assassinate Leal who was central to progress of the project - though his role wasn't clearly understood. His death was reported as Occhestran and brought uproar among the Occhestran community for his great leaps and achievements, making previously theoretical work useful. Their original device has never been found. A second was built but following Leal's assassination, it was impossible to replicate the device. The numbers the savant provided simply were not there. Copies could not be stabilized. The device was named “Aurora”, the literal meaning of Ouga's name - one of the head scientists of the project. The request was the only thing Leal said which was comprehendible in the twenty years, referring to the device by her name in equations.

Stability of the device depends on “InBlue” - A simple neural processing system which is exceptionally difficult to replicate effectively.



  1. The device is an ideal power-source for a small craft or weapon, providing energy enough to power the most advanced of equipment.
  2. The device functions in sporadic pulses as opposed to the steady smooth stream seen in typical aetheric equipment, leaving a faint dispersed randomized “cloud” rather than a highly fixed point on aetheric sensors - making it difficult to target but easy to recognize.

Applications for bosons

  1. The bosons are similar to those seen in weaponized aether. The device the mechanism is attatched to could theoretically use them in such a way. They are influenced in the low-charge state by electromagnetics. They are however of a much lower charge than typical aetheric weapons but are easier to sustain - resulting in high-speed clouds and razor sharp high density beams that cause accumulative damage to a target rather than instant annihilation. Because the charge is lower, however, the fire-detection warning typically comes a little later.
  2. The bosons influence the nuclear-strong-force and can make fairly specially engineered and designed materials extremely hard and resistant provided the amplitude, wavelength and charge is right.
  3. The bosons can be aligned externally by electromagnetics and even pass that electromagnetic influence onward - ideal for plasmic propulsion or skimming an object by producing an electromagnetic pocket to cushion and reduce friction.

Applications of other products and systems

  1. Antimatter is in too smaller volume to be used for anything more than cutting tasks but provides ideal volumes for enhancing the intensity of propulsion, akin to an afterburner.
  2. Gamma-radiation may be used offensively.
  3. Waste product oxygen from breaking process - can be used as fuel but inefficient.
  4. Flywheels provide accurate gravitational manipulation - originally for controlling what is inside them.

Dangers of products

  1. Bosons discharge gradually when released into an environment - their charge lost to photons resulting in a gradual release of gamma-radiation and a slow scalar-aether-like decay, lasting 30 days: Radioactive Fallout.
  2. Boson influence with nuclear strong-force will pose a danger if the device peaks to denser objects and may super-heat fluids.
  3. The gamma-radiation
  4. Antimatter

Critical Statistics

Manufacturer: Occhestrian Aurora Initiative Designer: Leal 'Rebirth' Turlista Production: Two'authentic' devices, three replicas


Device Description Location Status
063-ao-ax-00 063-AO-AX-00 An 'authentic' original Aurora Device. Stability problems but very efficient in bursts. Can disrupt surrounding aether. Biased toward X bosons. Fitted to (name) Operational, Unstable
063-AO-AY-00 An 'authentic' original Aurora Device. Remarkably stable. Undetectable with basic aetheric sensors. Biased toward Y bosons. Unknown Unknown
097-AO-AA-01 Replica. Suffers from stability problems. Biased toward X bosons. Inferior to original. Unknown Unknown
097-AO-AA-02 Replica device. Low electron turnover. High boson count. Very stable. Ideal aetheric weapon. Unknown Unknown
097-AO-AA-03 Replica device. Balanced unremarkable performance. Very stable. Unknown Unknown