Awareness-altering Gum

Through natural herbalism skills the Lorath Lmanel House has discovered a variety of natural Lor plant life that produces a gum-like substance. Several species of the plant have been discovered, the gum produced by the plants has been found to secrete natural chemicals that have been found to alter moods in humanoids and other mammals. These gums have been found to produce emotional responses such as emotional soothing, aggravation, increased reflexes due to stimulants, aphrodisiac effects, sleepiness, and semi-hypnotic trances. Several separate species of plant have been found within the genus of the “Asu-Lraf” type of plant. Each species of plant produces a different gum that produces a different effect. Plants that produce gums that yield stimulant effects, hypnotic trances, and aphrodisiac effects are highly prized in the Lorath marketplace and are known to fetch a high price. Regulations have been made by the Lorath government to prevent the chewing of soothing, aggravating, hypnotic, aphrodisiac, or

Mood Altering Gum-like Substance “Asu-Lraf”

Designer: Lorath Matriarchy Lmanel House

Information: Several varieties of Lorath Gum-like plant deemed “Asu-Lraf” in Lorath tongue.

Technical Information: sleepiness inducing gum during the operation of heavy machinery, weapons, or when “on-call” for job assignments, or other sensitive situations.

OOC Notes

Approved by Wes on October 20, 2005 here