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One of the first meta-materials developed, Vahajs is perhaps one of the most widely used artificially developed materials in use by the Sahaad Confederacy today for mobile armor and starship construction. A meta-material alloy, Vahajs is constructed from several different subtypes of artificial materials blended together within nuclear smelters, huge furnaces of intensified heat and force to break the constituent materials down and reforge them anew.

While not as strong as some of the armor materials within the wider universe, Vahajs offers modest protection for the lightweight nature and slight conductor-like properties. Although the major contributing factor to it is the capability to energize it. Meaning, while it offers protection on its own, the main strength lies within its ability to be easily reinforced or energized. When damaged the armor better resists damage from its energized state. When energized, the armor can sometimes vaporize or offset incoming projectiles depending on velocity and density. When not energized, the armor is in its inert state acting as any other 'light' meta-material of the same durability.

Depending on the projectiles make, portions of it likely may end up being vaporized prior to impact from the strong energetic field of the armor if one is active.

Energy/Particle-based systems such as lasers or plasma encounter the problem of possible ablation but suffer more from the energetic field it can produce as the particles scatter slightly, lessening point of impact damage over a wider surface area.