Tranquilizer Grenade

The tranquilizer grenade was designed with enemy pacification in mind. Contained within the canister grenade is a series of strong sedatives compressed in a gaseous state that upon activation begin saturating the area. The effects are almost immediate taking no more then a few seconds rendering them unconscious with the effects lasting any where from two to six hours as it varies from person to person. The sedatives tend to linger in the air for a short while unless filtered out or dispersed. As such it is best to use it indoors where it is most effective.

How To Use

The grenade is of a canister style, by pushing the button on the top down the pin safety is released completing the circuit which begins the reaction. The grenade then begins to spew forth gas at either end. Caution is advised if friendlies are in the area. Either a gas mask or other form of filtration should be used so as not to cause detrimental effects to friendly forces.