Nerve Gas Grenade

Some of the more deadly munitions utilized by the Sahaad are nerve agents. Used primarily in ship boarding actions when confined spaces are assured, these gas grenades can prove to be highly effective. The reasons for developing this deadly grenade was twofold: They needed an easy way to defeat numerically superior opposition and to take advantage of the terrain, that being a starship believing that their enemy will not vent the atmosphere of the area and waste their own forces. Even if they do, Sahaad in battlesuits would survive due to on board oxygen supplies minimizing casualties on their side.

The nerve agent itself works by preventing the break down of certain neurotransmitters that will then buildup at neuromuscular junctions causing involuntary contraction of all muscles; then leading to respiratory and cardiac arrest followed by death.

*Effective Radius: 10 Meters1)

How To Use

The grenade is of a canister style, by pushing the button on the top down the pin safety is released completing the circuit which begins the reaction. The grenade then begins to spew forth gas at either end. Caution is advised if friendlies are in the area due to the lethality of the grenade, gas masks and full body protection is advised. The Gas grenade itself is a binary-type, meaning that the nerve agents are not pre-mixed, making them to be safer for transport. When activated they will then begin mixing and automatically begin emitting the gas.

It is a persistent gas and can drift further out.