Navumi Wuny-me (Cargo Storage)

The Navumi Wuny-me or cargo storage is one of the Mâhoai Âdor (Sky Harbors) facilities. The facility holds cargo that is to be shipped off world, or cargo that has been received and is waiting for delivery. It is located at the edge of the Sky Harbor, and consists of mostly storage areas. Some storage areas are open and others a enclosed.

The facility is divided into inbound and outbound. Out bound cargo is processed through the Sâgely (Customs) after being cleared. Containers are sealed and may not be opened after being placed in it. When the ship they are to be shipped on is ready, the cargo is transferred to the ship by Wuny-me Poasyte (Cargo Management).

In bound cargo is off loaded and brought to Sâgely (Customs). Once cleared they are brought into storage and kept secure until the owner arranges pickup and transfer.