Table of Contents

Luai (Months)

The members of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo have eleven months in their calendar.

The names of the months are based on a combination of seasonal events from their long lost Otâgolisoy (Birth world), and culture. They are explained below.


Month of New, this is the first month of the clan year. It is a time of new beginnings, and celebrations. The first week is when most people will hold a gathering of friends to celebrate. The weather was cool and mild, the days short and the nights long.


Month of Clouds, this is the second month of the clan year. This was a time of gray skies and overcast. One day in ten might be cloud free. The weather tended to be humid, but very little actual useful rain would fall during this period.


Month of Plants, this is the third month of the clan year. This was the time for the planting of new crops. This is the month that the weather turns warmer, and most animals in the wild would start finding mates. It was marked by the emergence of green shoots.


Month of Faith, this is the fourth month of the clan year. It is a period marked with numerous ritual observations and festivals. This is also the month that baqli (children) graduate from the Ruohui Giba'te (Academies).


Month of Water, this is the fifth month of the clan year. This month was the start of the heavy rains that supplied the jungles.


Month of Storms, this is the eighth month in the clan year. This is the time huge cyclonic storms would move through the tropics of their Otâgolisoy (Birth world)/


Month of Heat, this is the sixth month in the clan year. It was so named because it was the period of the most brutal heat of the year. It is was also a period of little to no rain.


Month of Colors, this is the seventh month in the clan year. It is marked by brilliantly colored sunrises and sunsets, which are brought on by particulates from the Luatyo.


Month of Storms, this is the eighth month in the clan year. This is the time huge cyclonic storms would move through the tropics of their Otâgolisoy (Birth world)


Month of Fangs, this is the ninth month in the clan year. It is a time of harvests. Livestock would be brought in and culled, fruits and other plants gathered and stored. Typically a harvest celebration marks the end of the month.


Month of Brown, the tenth month of the clan year. It received its name from the fact that the foliage going into a dormant state.


Month of Lore, the eleventh month, it is a month of reflection, remembrance.

OOC Notes