Table of Contents

Weâm Risi'te (Drinking Place)

Members of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo, like most cultures, need to relax, socialize and sometimes let off steam. Drinking places are one such location where this can be accomplished. These businesses are privately owned and operated, and smaller ones are typically owned by individuals or a Punla (Family).

The drinking places fall into two types: the Weâm Risi'te (Night Club) and the Weâris (Pub).

Weâm Risi'te (Night Club)

Night Clubs are larger facilities than Pubs. These locations often feature live performances, dancing, and of course plenty of libations. They have a larger capacity than Pubs, and normally bring in hundreds of customers.

Weâris (Pub)

These offer a more informal and more intimate drinking environment. Pubs tend to be a bit more rowdy than night clubs. Their capacity is normally less than 100 people for safety reasons. Most Weâris feature standard beverages as well as local brands. All Weâris have a prominent bar; the standard is made of a highly polished dark wood such as Vithuoila. Tall Buvoli Ovume (Standing chairs) are aligned along the front of the bar.

It is very uncommon for a Weâris to not have a Âdaho'te (Dueling) place. These are roped off to keep spectators from interfering with the duel. Kamu'ka Âdaho'te (Sport Dueling) is the norm, and the Weâris itself typically provides the Gean'sa Veltin (Shock Blade). A display board is mounted behind the dueling area which tracks the score during the bout. Wagering is a big part of dueling which allows non-participants to get a piece of the action. Wagering is handled by a staff member, and the winner usually gets 25% of the take. Significant bouts are recorded with pictures and brief summaries of the fight written by onlookers, or by the fighters themselves.

OOC Notes