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Niuta Norjopai (Musical Instruments)

This page lists the unique musical instruments that are used by Poku'vonai in the Poku Saeruo Degonjo.

Bag Basoon

This instrument consists of a double basoon-like piece and a large air bladder that is filled by a bellow. This air-filled bellow is worked by the tail of the Nuita'a (Musician). The air in the bag is channeled into the instrument by the action of the tail; a number of valves and levers that the user manipulates with their paws creates bass notes. A mouth piece blown into by the operator controls upper chords and tenor notes.

Makoa'sa Nuita'a (Musician Board)

HS-PE6-1a Makoa'sa Nuita'a (Musician Board)

Tasbaniu (Y-Shaped Flute)

This instrument is shaped like a Y, and operates like a Flute.

Above: An image of the Tasbaniu Flute. Art by Nashoba.

OOC Notes