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Wotanu Abokatinka Poku Otopai (Customs of the Clan Defense Fleet)

Above: The Crest of the Wotanu Abokatinka Poku.

The Wotanu Abokatinka Poku (Clan Defense Fleet) of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo has several military customs.


Members of the defense force are expected to pledge an oath before entering into service on board a ship of the Fleet. In this process, the Commander or the Ship's Second makes the following statement, with slight variations according to their ship's custom:

“<rank and name>, you have been assigned to this vessel. Do you give your oath that you will obey the orders of those above you as long as they are worthy? Do you give your oath that you will commit your skills, blood and even your very life should it be required? Do you give your oath freely, and with no evasion, that you will serve in the Clan Defense Fleet with distinction that will reflect well upon the Clan, your House, and your Family?”

The individual then makes a verbal oath affirming the above, and the wording is up to the individual. The officer accepting the oath must judge the words given. The oath-maker then sheds blood in some manner, as part of swearing the oath.

Below is one example response an oath-maker might give.

“I pledge my oath to obey those above me so long as they be worthy, to commit all that I have. I give my oath freely and shall ever strive to serve with distinction, for the Poku, my Ruoka, and my Punla. I swear these things to my Tin-Ta'a.” Keyul replied, and took out his knife and made a small cut on his left palm and let several drops fall to the deck. “I give a token of my blood as proof of my word.” He said and then sheathed the knife and stood up.


Crewmembers on a Fleet ship salute their Commander and the Ship's Second, and they also salute their supervising officers. These salutes are rendered when a crewmember is reporting for duty, or when a ranking officer enters a room where crewmembers are awaiting orders. In a combat situation, or when work is being actively performed in a room, salutes are not expected to be rendered unless and until the officer commands the attention of the room.

The Fleet uses two traditional forms of salute on Clan fighting ships. There are two variants of the salute, with the difference between them being a degree of respect or necessity.

Basic Salute

Hand closed, brought up to the center of the chest with a quick and slight bow. The depth of the bow is not important, but a measurable incline of the upper body is a part of the salute. The arm movement can be performed with either arm, though the most common is the left arm. This salute is acceptable for use while one or both participants are moving. The basic salute is used in most situations while a Fleet ship is on active duty.

Formal Salute

Both closed hands are brought up to the chest, knuckles together with the palms facing inward to the sternum, followed by a head nod or a bow. In the formal salute, the depth of the bow matters; the difference between the ranks of the participants in the salute determines how deep either party should bow. The higher-ranking participant bows only slightly. This salute is used in ceremonies, and it is also performed when the person initiating it wishes to convey their respect for the other. This salute should not be used in combat situations, and it would be unusual to see it used on an active ship's bridge.

Forms of Address

Addressing each other in the WAP is a matter of respect.


The Clan holds a deep respect for proper titles. Crewmembers should address each other by their rank or title, followed by their full name. For example, it is proper to refer to Qaedal Aaeas as Commander Qaedal Aaeas, or Junior Master Qaedal Aaeas. A member of his crew would always use the first. The second form would be used by superiors to Qaedal Aaeas who are not under his command.


In casual conversation, members of the Clan might still use another's title and full name in the beginning of a new conversation. If the participants indicate a desire for a more casual conversation, they might then use each other's given name through the rest of the talk. If one of the participants continues to use titles and full names, however, then most Clan members would understand the context and maintain the formality.

Weapons On Duty

Crewmembers on Clan ships are expected to remain armed at all times, and they are duly expected to be familiar with common weapons of the Clan. The Baqnor (move from youth) proved their competency with such arms, and it is a matter of trust to be armed and ready to fight and die at any time in the service of the Clan. Clan members who are serving as attaches in foreign militaries follow the directives and practices of those other militaries.

Ship Alerts

OOC Notes