Oris Type Beam Eyes

The Oris Sensor Outpost uses a modifed version of the standard Beam Eye, with significantly higher power output and far greater damage potential. The reason for creating a more powerful version of the Beam Eyes rather than using the similarly powerful Battle Cannon was to encourage the development of the technology and, to some extent, a cosmetic impression. These turret like weapons provide the Oris with complete coverage of all angles and fire a transphased high energy electro-magnetic beam of significant power which can phase through shields.

Location: Spaced roughly evenly over the surface. Primary Purpose: Anti-Torpedo/Fighter/Mecha, Anti-Missile Secondary Purpose: Anti-starship Damage: MDR 4 Area of Effect: Point of impact only. Range: 32,187 to 1,931,213 km (20,000 to 1,200,000 miles). Rate of Fire: Five times a second. Payload Effectively unlimited while the power generation systems are functioning.

OOC Notes

Zakalwe created this article on 2006/09/07 16:44; Wes approved it on 2006/10/25 14:07.