Elysian Battle Cannons

As the secondary weapons of the Crataeis comes a weaker version of the Main Battle Cannons these weapons, which take the form of a large smooth bulge on the side of the hull, and fires between a gap between scales. These high-powered transphased plasmatic pulse cannons function through ‘phasing’ the plasma pulse that they fire. Stated simply the pulses are fired in such away that they ‘phase’ outside of the universe until they are within the enemies’ shields, at which point they are converted back into normal space to impact with the hull. If there is more time to calculate the distances involved then the ship may fire a plasmatic pulse in such a way that it does not revert into normal space until it is within the ship.

Primary Purpose: Anti-starship. Secondary Purpose: Planetary Strikes. Damage: Tier 12, Heavy Anti-Starship Range: 1,000,000km. Rate of Fire: 3 pulses every minute. Payload: Effectively unlimited as long as the ships generators are functional.

OOC Notes

Zakalwe created this article on 2006/06/27 13:34; Wes approved it on 2006/06/29 11:41.