Table of Contents

Velcior Shuttle

1. About the Velcior Shuttle:

The Velcior was designed to be a working, military, ship and is a strange combination between Spartan comforts and relatively advanced military systems. This is not to say the Velcoir has anything revolutionary on it, or even new, but several pieces of Elysian technology have been miniaturized in order to be incorporated – most notably its cloaking device, a device which does not come close to the quality of its larger cousins but is still innovative for a Shuttle.

The Shuttle itself is sleek and graceful as most Elysian ships are, with small protruding ‘wings’ on either side and no hard corner or hint of sharpness on it. The color scheme is black with a little dark green.

2. History:

The Velcior was designed to provide the Elysians with both a personnel transporter and to a degree an interim fighter for until the Elysians developed the miniaturization of their technology needed for such a project. The result was a combination of the two – although leaning very strong on the side of shuttle.

3. Statistical Data

4. Performance Statistics

Speed (STL): 0.425c using auxiliary (gravitic) engines. Speed (FTL: Spatial Distortion): .50 to 10,000c using combined distortion system. Speed (Aerial): Mach 4 in atmosphere (With shields). The ship usually hovers over the ground – although if for some reason this system is disabled it will simply rest on the ground – it doesn’t have landing gear but it does have an enforced floor. Its gravitic drive allows for full Vertical Take-Off and Landing capabilities. Speed (Water): Up to 10 knots underwater. It isn’t designed to go under water, it just happens that combining its shields and its gravitic systems it can move relatively well within a liquid environment – although without a certain degree of grace.

Range: The Velcior carries resources for a crew of twelve to survive for fifteen days. A month if the suspended animation cocktail of drugs is used on the passangers. Lifespan: The shuttle is designed to last for at least five years of constant use without a serious overhaul. Refit Cycle: Minor refinements come every six (Elysian) months, or whenever is possible.

5. Inside the Velcior Shuttle

6. Ship Systems

It does this through partially mimicking the properties of Hydrogen sulfide, binding to cytochrome oxidase and thus preventing oxygen from binding which leads to a dramatic reduction in the metabolic rate. The chemicals involved work both safer and more efficiently than Hydrodgen sulfide did, and also relies on telling the brain to reduce its metabolism as well through messenger chemicals. A combination of these two can put a Plebeian Elysian into suspended animation for a month after having a relatively large meal. It is activated through the use of needles which the pilot keeps in the pilot’s cabin.


Unidirectional sensors the Velcoir uses radar, ladar and …

Omnidirectional sensors of the Velcior include

These sensors have a range of 0.5 light-years.

The Communication suite on the Velcoir includes Radar, Laser and Hyperspace communication. It is capable of using quantum encrypting in order to render its messages particularly hard to ‘listen in’ on.

Weapons Systems

Beam "Eyes" (3):

These ‘bumps’ on the hull of the ship contain the equivalent of point defense weapons which fire a transphased high energy electro-magnetic beam of significant power.

OOC Notes

Zakalwe created this article on 2007/01/01 05:17; Wes approved it on 2007/01/01 13:41.