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Gelatinous Liquid Opaque Protective(GLOP) is the casual name for a complex chemical gel used in many forms of chelti body armor and first aid. It has non-newtonian, clotting, and antibiotic properties making it extremely useful in the event of kinetic trauma or piercing to limit the damage from bleeding or infection.

Producers: Most chelti nations Cost: Inexpensive (just requires advanced chemical manufacturing) Armor Class: Light



Glop is often used as the lowest layer of many types of chelti body armor, coming in quilted sheets that act as a layer of soft armor. When pierced the non-newtonian physics of the fluid means it will harden against the impact, if the blow does manage to penetrate the gel will be dispersed into the wound. The anti-bacterial and coagulant properties of the gel help to quickly clot it and prevent later infection while waiting for proper medical care.

The gel also appears in a tube in some medical kits, where it is applied to wounds by hand or implement for much the same reasons as above on surface or shallow wounds.

Against energy weapons the gel acts as a heat dissipation medium and will boil away heat before eventual penetration under a powerful enough laser emitter.

It has been used in the following items:


Glop is produced in a variety of labs and is marketed to the public, its complex manufacturing process means that it is a rather expensive medicine for average chel. The poorest clans must usually rely on substitutes or folk medicine.

While multiple labs produce it, its chemical formula remains mostly the same meaning little difference between the actual manufacturers. Because of its complexity, it's only able to be manufactured in the highly developed factories of the chelti homeworld, but could be synthesized by a sufficiently advanced molecular combiner.


Glop is a fairly recent invention, first occurring in the labs of a university where it was tested as for use as impact protection in automobiles. However it was deemed unsuitable, and eventually the university turned to the government for a sale. By improving its natural attributes and combining it with synthetic anti-biotic liquids the mixture was soon found tested in bullet proof vests.

Naturally, many other countries and corporations stole, begged, or reverse-engineered the mixture, spreading it to many of the highly developed factions on the homeworld.

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