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Chelti Uniform Guide

Because of the complicated but versatile way chelti troops can be kitted, this guide is designed to make the process of choosing a characters kit as easy and understandable as possible as well as providing logical links to relevant articles until I either change the uniforms or think of a better way to present them.


The base layer for all chelti soldiers, undercoats determine the role and environment the soldier will be operating in. The undercoat is a universal concept within chelti forces, and hundreds of varieties can be found for different terrains and factions.

Garrison Undercoat

Designed for use inside bases or other controlled environments like ships, this undercoat has simple dark colour and is made from tough, but not too thick fabric. It's designed to fit over the body quite well to stop it catching on anything and covers from neck to ankles. It's standard for voidsmen, although worn by many service personnel on base.

Tropical Undercoat

Designed for hot, humid conditions. The tropical undercoat is designed to fit slightly more loosely around the body than most other types, its soft, airy material lets air escape easily and helps keep the wearer slightly more comfortable in the humid conditions. Undercoats of this type often have dark, striped pattern camouflage on them.

Summer Undercoat

Used in the hot portions of the open desert of the chelti home planet, these undercoats have tough fabric that helps to keep the heat from penetrating. Usually worn covering only up to the knees, for planets with day/night cycles attachable trousers and sleeves stop the user freezing at night.

Often seen in colors and styles ranging from simple dust brown to complex camouflage patterns.

Winter Undercoat

For generally cool, but not too far below freezing conditions, the Winter coat is triple-layered to be functional and warm. The top layer is a tough, water resistant material to keep the wearer dry even in the wettest conditions, the middle layer is an insulator to make sure heat stays within the coat and doesn't leak out, it also serves to make the wearer a lot more difficult to pick up using heat-based sensors. Lastly is the under-layer based on a marino material farmed from a native chelti animal, the natural fibres being very warm while still able to breathe. It's designed to keep the user very comfortable in cold conditions. The hood is trimmed with natural fur to help keep heat in.

These undercoats are usually supplied in a simple dark colour, and are sometimes used in place of the garrison coat in some areas. While not often used for combat, infantry are given either pure white, or broken light grey patterns for operations.

Cold-weather Undercoat

Designed for use in extreme conditions, this undercoat covers from head to toe and has an in-built water-based temperature control system. The temperature control varies the heat of water being pumped through thin plastic tubes to different sections of the body based on skin temperature and exertion. A small radiator is located in the small of the back for any excess heat that might be generated.

The inside of the suit is a traditional weave designed for warmth and comfort made from natural fibre, it's light on the skin and designed to be comfortable for long periods of wear.

The second layer is a series of extremely thin tubes that carry warmed water through the various sections of the body, preventing freezing and keeping the wearer at optimum temperature. While this may seem overkill to human-like species, chelti are by and large fairly tropical creatures that don't perform well in the cold. Even chelti adapted to the harsh arctic conditions on their planet required similar garments in extreme cold weather to prevent freezing.

The next layer is a tough insulator designed to protect the wearer and tubes running through the suit, being resistant to cold, and made of tough fabric this layer can survive long scrapes across rock and ice.

This coat is worn by infantry and civilians in extreme conditions and the tightly sealed nature of the suit, while unsuitable for space walking in general, is able to temporarily withstand harsh vacuum conditions with some preparation.


Armor is the generic term for the protective plates and items worn over the basic undercoat and under the utilitarian webbing. It has been broken down into sub-articles for easy digestion.


Webbing is often worn as the top layer of pouches and Combat Harness on a soldiers or workmans uniform and is used to hold various items related to their current activity. Often this means extra magazines and other equipment such as food, and other needful items. It is worn over armor and is usually the same color as the rest of the wearers uniform.

Light Webbing

A minimal kit designed to be extremely lightweight and unencumbering for the wearer. It does suffer some carrying limitations, clipping points are sparse and must be used wisely. Single rib and back pouch make for light weight, but limited storage. It appears as a series of straps and belt.

Infantry Webbing

Combat orientated from the stitching up, this rig is made to be rugged and versatile with up to three racks of ammunition on the ribs (depending on caliber) , smaller pouches on the chest, and clipping points for a large backpack the infantry webbing has a lot of space for customization. Resembling a vest in appearance, it is easy to fit and can be fastened securely.

Heavy Weapons Webbing

Designed for soldiers wielding large weapons, this vest features loops and large pouches for big munitions. It features the same backpack clipping points as the Infantry version, but the chest pouches are taken up by fabric loops to secure ammo to the chest.

Cavalry Webbing

Similar the the Infantry harness, this set is designed more for riding in mind, sitting comfortably while the wearer is in saddle. It also features more areas to clip vital equipment onto, it also has a traditional lance seat at the belt, a throwback to ancient lances, now occupied by a rifle of some descript.

Voidsmans Harness

A simple, utilitarian harness designed to fit detachable tool belts and other holsters for things useful for keeping a ship in working order. This is often worn as part of the uniform and is a common sight on all chelti ships, many civilian ships also have these, or similar versions, for their crews.

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