Table of Contents

259 AF - Third Quarter

After the sudden end to First Contact with the Yamatai Star Empire, the Third Quarter of 259 AF became a time of great upheaval. Riots broke out across the system and fear of a xenos invasion or of genocide seemed to plague the single-system polity. However, the lack of response eventually led to a feeling of abandonment. After all, it seemed to the Abwehran people that their very existence wasn't important enough to warrant diplomatic relations.

OOC NOTE: There were no Roleplay Events that occurred during this time frame due to real life issues. Thus this section has nothing of importance timeline wise.


Previous Quarter Next Quarter
259 AF - Second Quarter 259 AF - Fourth Quarter

Notable Events

Ships Launched

New Ship Classes

Technologies Released

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/04/21 12:57 by Abwehran Commander.