Table of Contents

Abwehran Personal Weaponry

A collection of hand-held weaponry used by individuals or Heavy Infantry.

Electromagnetic Weaponry

Weaponry that fires projectiles on a ballistic path using superconductor magnets.


FIC-01 Flechette Cannon A powered armor cannon used to fire cones of flechette darts.
GIR-01 Gauss Rifle The standard Powered Armor Rifle.
20mm Under-slung Flechette Launcher Attachment to the MDR-06 Field Rifle
30mm Under-slung Grenade Launcher Attachment to the MDR-06 Field Rifle


MDP-04 Service Pistol Standard Sidearm for AAF.
MDR-06 Field Rifle Standard Rifle of the AAF.
MDR-07 LRAM Rifle Anti-Material Rifle.
MDR-08 Battle Rifle Rifle with two magazines.
MDS-01 Squad Automatic Rifle Squad Support Weapon.

Energy Weaponry

Weaponry that emits radiation and light towards a target.


LIR-01 Laser Rifle The light Powered Armor Rifle.


SmAR/Fatboy Boarding Ops Rifle.
Standard Energy Pistol II Law Enforcement Sidearm.


Thrown or strategic explosives.

Defensive Weaponry

Shields and Non-lethal ranged weapons.

D001 Combat Shield A shield designed to be used by Powered Armor.

Melee Weaponry

Close-range, touch weaponry.

M-24 Vibroblade Powered Armor Melee Weapon.
VB-01A Vibrating Combat/Utility Blade (VIBLADE) Combat Utility Knife.

Missile Weaponry

Self-guided Munitions.


LANCE Launcher Man-portable Rocket-Propelled Munition Launcher
