Lock-breaking Charge

A plastic explosive designed specifically for destroying door and hatch locking mechanisms. Developed in AF 260 (YE 32).


The Lock-breaking Charge is stored is a squeeze tube with a 2mm diameter nozzle to allow for pin-point application. The tube is colored red to indicate it as an explosive with a green cap over the nozzle. There is enough plastic explosive in the tube for destroying 10 simple locking mechanisms or 5 reinforced locks. The tube normally weighs 1 kilogram (2 lbs).


To use the charge properly, a Demolitions Expert must apply a small amount of the plastic explosive upon a locking mechanisms weakest points (normally the bolt going into the door jamb or bulkhead). It normally has to be a 100 gram amount to properly burn through a simple locking mechanism or a 200 gram amount for reinforced locks. After the proper amount is placed, either wires or a wireless receiver is attached to the explosives to allow a detonator to activate the compound and create an explosion. The Damage done by a 200 gram amount is equivalent to 1 PDR.