Bunker Buster Charge

A plastic explosive designed for destroying buildings, facilities, and reinforced structures. Developed in AF 260 (YE 32).


A single Bunker Buster Charge is a tan, rectangular brick of plastic explosive material wrapped in Dorntuch-fiber cloth. The brick can be divided up into smaller sections or used as a whole brick. A single brick weighs about three kilograms, or approximately seven pounds.


A brick of a Bunker Buster Charge is capable of being divided up into 5 600-gram (~21 ounce) charges or be used as a whole 3 kilogram (~7 lbs) brick. A whole brick has the equivalent of 4 ADR worth of damage potential. When divided up, each section is the equivalent of 4 PDR. Either way, a Bunker Buster Charge is then equipped with a wireless receiver, for remote detonation, or wired to a detonator. Warning: when using a full brick of a Bunker Buster Charge, it is best to be behind cover at a minimum safe distance of 75 meters (~246 feet) away.