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FROST Firewall v4.28

The First Response Onboard Search-and-destroy proTector Firewall had seen multiple versions out-company as a simple user-made firewall prior to its production team being hired by Schnee Katze to making its current, professional version.

About FROST Firewall v4.28

FROST is a capable protector against the vast majority of viruses and low-level attacks systems receive on a daily basis. Not only that, it retains a good look-out for malware that slips through its defenses, watches for a second-by-second change of the system it's installed to, and can search, isolate, and eliminate hostile code and connections. Its success lies in the ability for it to compare second-by-second “snapshots” of its system's activities. Odd changes are logged and investigated. Should they prove malicious, FROST will isolate them (remove their permissions) and/or terminate the connection or code by force.

As to its function as prevention of attacks, it will deny any foreign code or connection access to its system. This means that the system has to issue an administrator order to allow the program access; this is a common feature in most Firewalls.

Compatible Systems

FROST is able to be adapted for different systems, but the systems it works best on are:


BluFROST is designed to protect the users of Schnee Katze gaming products. Since many games are forced to be linked to a Schnee Katze server to play, BluFROST is an anti-cheating, anti-hacking, and a social identity protector. It also doubles as the account service for all Schnee Katze games, and provides the ability for players to form a community via IM capability, VOIP, and group-forming as well as personalized game profiles. Since most Schnee Katze games have an in-built replay recorder, users can choose to show off either entire matches, what they're playing (as they're playing) or specific clips showing off their greatest moments.