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Cloning in the Abwehran Star Empire

A restricted technology by Abwehran Imperial Law, Cloning laws restricts one of the three types of cloning and bans another type outright while allowing the remaining type to be used by medicinal professionals. The three types of cloning are recombinant DNA technology or DNA cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning.

DNA Cloning

Allowed for use by Imperial Law, DNA cloning is used by medical professionals to ensure the health and welfare of the Abwehran people. DNA cloning is often used in Gene Therapy in order to battle against genetic defects and illnesses. This process involves using a fragment of the original gene and fusing it with a plasmid, self-replicating extra-chromosomal circular DNA molecules. This forms a gene that is the same as the original and can then be inserted using gene therapy.

Reproductive Cloning

Reproductive cloning is a process involving genetic material to create a creature with the same nuclear DNA as the original. It is a process banned from use upon Abwehrans or humanoids, but is deemed necessary when researching extinct creatures (often bringing them back). Therefore, this is considered restricted to only paleontologists.

Therapeutic Cloning

Therapeutic cloning, also known as emybro cloning, is banned by Imperial Law specifically because this process involves the destruction of embryoes in order to obtain stim cells. The ethical matter of whether embryoes have a soul had been debated in the After Conflict era for decades until one philosopher spoke words that seemed to be the true meaning of the Abwehran's philosophy.

Whether an embryo has a soul or not is inconsequential. The fact of the matter is that embroyes are the beginnings of our children. Should we sully ourselves by commiting infanticide.
~ Richtar Arzt, Dean of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Unterwasserstadt University

All matters of debate ended there and Therapeutic cloning was banned outright.