VIP Suite

Specialized quarters designed for VIPs, the VIP Suite is designed more for comfort in mind rather than just living space for troops. It consists of two rooms: a Bedroom and a Bathroom.

The Bedroom is a large, extravagantly decorated room1) furnished with durable, plastic furniture that is elaborately designed to look like varnished wood. These furnishings include a “king-sized” bed with a pair of night stands on either side, which is located in the farthest corner away from the entryway. A chest of drawers is located on the wall opposite from the bathroom entryway and is next to a desk with a terminal and an office chair.

The bathroom is a simple room containing a shower opposite the entry way, a sink to the right of the entrance, and a toilet to the left of the entrance.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/01/09 08:23 by Abwehran Commander.

compared to most military living spaces