Standard Small Warship Bridge

The smallest and most cramped bridge in any Abwehran Imperial Yards design, it is still the command and control center of the entire vessel. With room for five individuals, the bridge is arranged in a pattern of two ahead, one on each side, and the commander in the center. Placed in the front of the bridge, both Astrogator and Helmsman are placed side by side with Astrogation on the left and Helm on the right. To the left of the commander, the Communications Operator works both internal and external communication systems while the Tactical Operator works the ships offensive, defensive, and other electronic systems on the commander's right. The commander can take control of any one system from her command console, but she cannot work the entire bridge by herself.

The bridge has one entryway located directly behind the Commander and is the main entry/exit passage to the bridge.

There is also a Weapons Locker located beside the Tactical Console. A Abwehran Fire Suppression Locker and a First Aid Station are located near the entrance.

Personnel Requirements

Note: Personnel are listed on a per shift basis.

Total Personnel: 5