Abwehran Standard Lounge

Due to long tours of duty all Weltraumflotte personnel have to go through, designers have always made enough allowance to place a place of retreat soldiers can go to when off-duty. The ship Lounge is that allowance. With a tavern-like set up, the lounge serves a variety of drinks and snack foods. It also serves alcohol, but that is a luxury that is restricted via a specific ticket. These tickets, more like a swiping card than a ticket, are used to monitor the amount of alcohol given to a soldier per week. This limitation is used to make sure each soldier doesn't drink too much so that they are fully capable when an emergency occurs.

The lounge also has a variety of games for the soldiers on board. Normally, two to five video game systems are placed in the lounge to provide entertainment and are chosen by the ship's Captain before launch. Several tables are also provided for a variety of card games to pass the time.

A Abwehran Fire Suppression Locker and a First Aid Station are located behind the bar.

Personnel Requirements

Note: Personnel are listed on a per shift basis.

Total Personnel: 2 Caretakers