Table of Contents

Standard Fold Core Room

Specifically designed for an Abwehran Abwehran Hyperspace Fold Drive, there are normally two such rooms on a starship. The Primary Core Room hold the Main Fold Core and is crewed by a Engineer, a Senior NCO and five Enlisted personnel. This Core is responsible for the ships Interstellar travel and is normally deep inside the ship to protect it. However, a Secondary Core Room is normally built into the ship for emergencies revolving around the main core. The Secondary Core is normally slower than the main core and is crewed by a Senior NCO and two Enlisted personnel.

A Abwehran Fire Suppression Locker and a First Aid Station are located near the entrance.

Personnel Requirements

Note: Personnel are listed on a per shift basis.

Main Core Room

Total Personnel: 6

Secondary Core Room

Total Personnel: 3