Table of Contents

Standard Area Traffic Control Center

A facility designated for Carrier-type vessels only, the Standard Area Traffic Control Center, or ATCOM, is a smaller version of facilities found on Space Stations. Spherical in nature, the ATCOM gives Traffic Controllers the ability to see and zoom in on the space around their vessel in order to give them a complete overview of the area. Control of the Carrier's Space Zones are divided into four sections: Fore, Port, Starboard, and Aft. While this enables total coverage, direction of traffic always devolves to the Chief Traffic Control Officer. Mission Control also occurs in the ATCOM and is specifically given over to a Chief Mission Operator.

Deck Layout

In the sphere, there are three levels of platforms in the center.

Deck 1 - Command

The top platform holds the Chief Traffic Control Officer and the Deck Control Officer. The Chief Traffic Control Officer is responsible for over all direction of Space Zone Traffic. The Deck Control Officer is in charge of the Hanger spaces of the Carrier and who launches or lands.

Deck 2 - Area Control

The middle platform holds the Section Traffic Controllers and Supporting enlisted personnel. Each section has a single Section Controller and three to five Enlisted at any given time. These people are responsible for following the Chief Traffic Controller directions and improvise approach directions in case of emergencies.

A Abwehran Fire Suppression Locker and a First Aid Station are located near the entrance.

Deck 3 - Mission Control

The bottom platform is for Mission Control. The Chief Mission Operator directs Space Wing Mission strategy with four to ten supporting Enlisted personnel direction squadrons (depending upon the size of a Carrier's Fighter Wing).

Personnel Requirements

Note: Personnel are listed on a per shift basis.

Total Personnel: 23 - 32