Environmental Room

A facility used to house the Artificial Photosynthetic Life Support System's central systems, the Environmental Room is normally the size of three Barrack Rooms placed against each other and a height of one deck. Normally, there are two facilities on a single vessels with one dedicated as Central Environmental and the other dubbed Auxiliary Environmental. There is no different between the two facilities since they both contain an APLS System.

The entire vessel's air and water transportation tubes run through these facilities in order to purify and recycle. The facilities are also connected to the ship's Cargo Hold where emergency rations created by the system are stored.

A Abwehran Fire Suppression Locker and a First Aid Station are located near the entrance.

Personnel Requirements

Note: Personnel is listed on a per shift basis.

Total Personnel: 3 Technicians (1 NCO and 2 Enlisted)