Communal Showers

Normally attached to a Abwehran Standard Barrack-style Quarters, the Communal Showers is divided into two sections. The first section contains a row of 3-8 sinks1) underneath a large metallic mirror that stretches from one end to the other. This is opposite of the entryway and is normally used for general grooming and hygenic care. A small depository is located next to the entryway for laundry.

Located to the right of the first section, the Shower Section contains two rows of 3 showers each. Each Shower is enclosed in a stall that starts 30 centimeters (~ 1 foot) above the deck and rises to about 1.3 meters (~4 feet) from that point. A hook is located on the stall door to hang a toiletry bag.

To the left of the first section are three entryways for the head.

Personnel Requirements

Note: Personnel are listed on a per shift basis.

Total Personnel: None

depending upon the size of Barracks