
An area created for detention purposes, the Brig is comprised of ten individual holding cells. Each detention cell has a single bunk that can fold up into the wall, a toliet, and a sink. Detention cells are armored and are hermetically sealed. In order to keep cells closed and secured, each cell uses a hatch with a manual wheel on the outside that can been locked with a simple bar through the opening mechanism.

The only entry or exit into the brig is through a security office. The security office is a moderately large office space with a large desk and a pair of terminals for the NCO in charge and one of the Enlisted. Each Enlisted soldier rotates in their shift between desk duty and patroling the holding cells. A Weapons Locker is located behind the desk and is keycoded to all NCOs in charge of the Brig.

Personnel Requirements

Total Personnel: 3 Marines (1 NCO and 2 Enlisted)