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Abwehran Military Traditions

Military Relationships

Though it is allowed for soldiers to have relationships with anyone they chose, in practice it isn't quite as straight forward. By tradition, officers and enlisted don't fraternize with each other. The Captain or Senior Officer of a ship/unit is the only officer not allowed to fraternize with anyone in his/her command. Though there are a few that do, the majority of soldiers in the Abwehran Imperial Military decide to follow tradition.

"Flashing running lights"

A traditional ship-to-ship salute in the Weltraumflotte that was first started in 034 AF. This is normally an honor given to a flag ship of a division, but it can also be directed towards ships of high honors.

Field Problem

An annual series of war games done by all branches of the Abwehran Military that stresses tactical innovation, strategy, new technologies, and vehicle handling. This has been responsible for many changes that have occurred in the past and is thought to continue that tradition for years to come.


A sign of the High Command's disfavor where senior officers are let go of the military without an active command and half their regular salary. This basically forces them into the reserves in dishonor.

"List of Honor"

A list of names kept permanently active and given to newly constructed warships to preserve their battle honors. Most ships are naval and aerial warships, but one starship has been entered on the list with numerous more thought to come.

Prize Money

Money given to a crew as a reward for a captured pirate ship, smuggler's vessel, or enemy warship. Standard prize for a smugglers vessel is 0.5 percent of the contraband value. Standard prize for a warship is 3 percent of it's value, divided up among the crews based on rank and seniority.


An nickname given to the Captain of a Warship, it is considering an informal way of addressing a senior officer and is allowed. In fact, many crews use the title to show their favor for their Captain. The only times a crew member wouldn't use this term are: official occasions, around a Captain's superior, and while being dressed down.

OOC Notes

This page was originally created on 2013/01/21 15:40 by Abwehran Commander.