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Abwehran Cold Weather Uniform

The Abwehran Cold Weather Uniform is used for cold weather environments. It is mostly seen in the Assault Legion, Schirmherrschaft, and Weltraumflotte Marine Corp, but it can be used by anyone serving on a planetary facility.

Articles of Clothing

The Cold Weather Uniform comes with items for both chilly climes and arctic climes.

Arctic Climes Only

Attire designed for operation in tundra and arctic climate.

Insulated Jumpsuit

A white, heavily insulated jumpsuit with 4 cargo pockets (two on each leg), 2 breast pockets, and standard pockets around the hips and rear. The jumpsuit is certified for arctic climes.

Thermal Undergarments

Long, insulated undergarments which are normally worn under the Insulated Jumpsuit.

Temperate Winter Climate Only

Attire designed for winter weather in non-tundra climate.

Insulated Cargo Pants

Insulated, white cargo pants with two cargo pockets on each leg as well as standard pockets on the hips and rear area. These are normally used for chilly, Temperate climes.

Turtleneck Shirt

A white, turtleneck shirt worn with the insulated cargo pants in chilly, temperate climes.

Uniform Standards

Attire that is standard for both versions.

Cold Weather Boots

Heavily-insulated, camouflaged, suede boots that reach up to calf-height and are water-resistant.

Great Coat

A White, double-breasted greatcoat with heavy insulation. It has a set of 10 buttons on the torso arranged across from each other in groups of five, due to the double-breasted arrangement. It also has a mandarin collar, which allows it to either be folded down or be snapped together around the neck for extra protection against the cold.

Thermal Gloves

Insulated, white gloves with patches of leather around the palm for grip.

Thermal [[items:clothing:socks]]

Thick, insulated Socks.


A white, insulated ushanka with the Abwehran Imperial Seal on the front.