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Armed Forces Benefits Package

All members of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) are great defenders of the Abwehran Star Empire, with every step along their career path, they garner more and more honors to their name and family. Because of the fact they are willing to sacrifice their lives to defend their nation and families, every soldier of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) receives a sizable benefits package to ensure their welfare and the welfare of their family.

Basic Benefits

Benefits given under any circumstances.


All soldiers of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) are provided with housing leased by the military for their needs and/or the needs of their family. Housing is normally located on bases and orbital stations near the soldier's post and is provided with free utilities and security. Non-married individuals are provided with one bedroom/one bathroom apartments, while married individuals are provided with small, one-story, starter homes.

Life Insurance

Each soldier of the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) is covered by a 500,000 Credit Life Insurance policy to care for the bereaved. Funerals are provided by the military for free.

Military Discounts

All individuals serving in the Abwehran Armed Forces (AAF) and their families are given specialized cards which enable them to receive military discounts ranging from 40% - 70% off the original price at named retailers and service providers.


A Bonus will be provide in certain circumstances.


At the end of a 6-year contract, a soldier has the ability to either reenlist or retire from service. Retiring soldiers receive a monthly stipend of half their ending pay and can keep the all their basic benefits. Reenlisting soldiers receive a 100,000 Credit bonus and the possibility of attending officer's school, if person was enlisted.

Advanced Benefits

Benefits given to soldiers who perform above and beyond the call of duty.

Steading/New Property

Retiring soldiers who have served for at least two consecutive enlistments will be eligible for a single kilometer-squared track of land on a new colonized world of their choice. This includes a 50,000 Credit bonus to enable said soldiers to construct whatever facilities they would please.


Retiring soldiers from the Weltraumflotte's Space Force, who have served for at least two consecutive enlistments, will be eligible for a single civilian transport. The size of said transport is dependent upon whether the soldier was enlisted, NCO/Warrant, or Officer (small, medium, and large respectively).